What's it?
PAPER-CMD is a command line toolkit for PAPER (A Pathway-Assembled Profile browsER), which is an open-source, open-access browser to visualize and analyze profile datasets at the level of biological pathway, to navigate and design the pathway diagrams for specific scientific interest, and to share and discuss the unpublished primary result within your own scientific community. It contains two executable file that can be used to generate pathway graph from a specified Reactome database.
How to use it?
System requirement: java1.6, -Xms512m -Xmx800m supplyCategory.data.xml contains given information of pathway, including name and id . Unzip the pathway_path.zip file to d:\ Open command line window, and change the current directory to d:\pathway_path cd d:/pathway_path 1) fpathwayview IP:PORT Pathway_ID Output_Path_of_Pathway_Graph Input_Datafile_Path Example: fpathwayview 68874:69239 d:/pathway_path d:/pathway_path/data1.txt 2) pathwayview IP:PORT Pathway_ID Output_Path_of_Pathway_Graph Input_Data Example: pathwayview 68874:69239 e:/pathway_path/pic O00139\t6.7\t6.8\r\nO00186\t7.1\t7.1\r\nO00187\t6.2\t6.4\r\nO00204\t9.9\t9.9
National Supercomputing Center of Jinan (山东省计算中心(国家超级计算济南中心))
Jingshan Pan (潘景山)
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Funding source
[{"id":"3","name":"CNHPP int'l project 3:2014DFB30020(中国人类蛋白质组学数据的知识发现)"}]