
图片显示不正确 visits:7 图片显示不正确 图片显示不正确PLOSP

图片显示不正确What's it?

PLOSP is a personal library of scientific paper in biomedical sciences. It integrates and synchronizes biomedical literature resources such as PubMed, PMC and Web of Science. PLOSP provides online space for users to search, collect, update, and browse their favourite journals, paper, and researchers on the platform, and enable users to publish their own interpretations and comments on the paper, even in foreign language. Centered on biomedical paper, PLOSP provides a friendly and comfortable environment for researchers and students to communicate with each other.

图片显示不正确How to use it?

PLOSP supports following functions: 1)Biomedical paper search and advance search; 2)Journal and paper favorites. 3)paper text, figures and tables interpretation and comment.


Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology (上海生物信息技术研究中心)


Yunchao Ling(凌鋆超),Guoqing Zhang(张国庆)


图片显示不正确Funding source

[{"id":"3","name":"CNHPP int'l project 3:2014DFB30020(中国人类蛋白质组学数据的知识发现)"}]