Health risk assessment system

图片显示不正确What's it?

The software system provides an electronic questionnaire containing the user's habits, eating habits, physiological indicators, sickness, occupational history, family history, personal physical exercise, environmental status and other information for the user to fill. After the information is submitted, the system gives the health risk assessment report of the tumor, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases according to the user's personal information (gender, age) and the submitted questionnaire. After extraction of information from various diseases (tumor: lung cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, bladder cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular: coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes) in the system, disease-related risk factors were derived. The disease assessment report was derived by risk factors rating score table. The optimal improvement measures will be given according to the relevant knowledgebase.

图片显示不正确How to use it?

Health risk assessment system use B/S structure, based on Java EE development platform and framework of Struts2, Hibernate3, Spring3. The system use Tomcat7, MySQL database. The system also provides user registration, management, e-questionnaire management, export and other related auxiliary functions. Users can login and use the system after registration.


Fudan University (复旦大学)


Chen-Xu Guang(陈旭光), Fan Zhong(钟凡)

图片显示不正确Funding source

[{"id":"1","name":"CNHPP int'l project 3:2014DFB30020(中国人类蛋白质组学数据的知识发现)"}]