What's it?
PD-OmicsPilot is a simple software developed by MATLAB, for the design of primer. PD-OmicsPilot designs multiple pairs of primers based on DNA sequences from multiple species, and its amplified sequences are species-specific. PD-OmicsPilot can set parameters such as primer length, amplification sequence length, and calculate the sequence annealing temperature and molecular weight. The software read * .qscore file produced by ClustalX, a multiple sequence alignment software, and produce the results of primer pairs, then export to Excel.
How to use it?
PD-OmicsPilot is developed by MATLAB, so all the user must install MATLAB first, and add the folder of PD-OmicsPilot package to MATLAB operating environment. In command line, for any path, you type "UI_PrimerDesigner", then you can start up the main interface of PD-OmicsPilot.
Fudan University (复旦大学)
Yang Zhang (张扬), Fan Zhong(钟凡)
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Funding source
[{"id":"1","name":"CNHPP int'l project 3:2014DFB30020(中国人类蛋白质组学数据的知识发现)"}]