What's it?
As large amounts of data accumulate in the field of precision medicine and the semantic relationships between biomedical entities become more and more complex.The construction of precision medicine ontology needs a lot of collaboration of experts in many areas.The collaborative working platform we built for precision medicine ontology construction is an interactive online application for collaboratively editing, browsing, and sharing of precision medicine ontology.The collaborative working platform guarantees the comprehensiveness and instantaneity in the process of ontology construction.
How to use it?
Creating new projects or importing an existing ontology from the local computer. Distributing different functional roles to users, including administrator, reviewers and processor. Recording logs which keep track of all changes of a version and only the administrator can generate a new version. Downloading the ontology in RDF, OWL and XML format.
Institute of Medical Information & Library (中国医学科学院医学信息研究所)
Jiao Li(李姣),Li Hou(侯丽),Meng Wu(吴萌)
Funding source