What's it?
UbiBrowser is a resource of known and predicted human ubiquitin ligase (E3) - substrate interaction network. The E3-substrate interactions are derived from severn data sources: mannual cruration, protein ortholog, protein domain, protein motif and network topology. A computational framework is used to to combine multiple biological evidences to generate a confidence score using Naïve Bayesian Network.
How to use it?
UbiBrowser supports three input types: 1) Protein Name, 2) protein Uniprot AC or ID, 3) protein sequence. Users must select whether the query protein is an E3 ligase or a substrate before input the query protein.
Beijing Proteome Research Center(BPRC) (北京蛋白质组研究中心)
Yang Li(李杨), Liang Lu(卢亮), Ping Xie(谢萍), Fuchu He (贺福初),Dong Li(李栋)
Funding source
[{"id":5,"name":"Program of Precision Medicine:2016YFC0901905(精准医学知识库管理与共享平台开发)"}]