图片显示不正确 SLIPPER
图片显示不正确 visits:285 图片显示不正确 图片显示不正确SLIPPER

图片显示不正确What's it?

Self-interacting proteins, whose two or more copies can interact with each other, play important roles in cellular functions and the evolution of protein interaction networks. Knowing whether a protein can self-interact can contribute to and sometimes is crucial for the elucidation of its functions. SLIPPER (SeLf-Interacting Protein PrEdictoR) is designed to predict whether a protein can interact with itself, and meanwhile provide various related annotation information to facilitate its further functional research.

图片显示不正确How to use it?

This page is the analysis interface for SLIPPER. You may submit a list of proteins (of human or yeast) and then the scores measuring a protein’s possibility to be a self-interacting protein and related annotation information will be presented. Please see the Documents page for further information.


Beijing Proteome Research Center(BPRC) (北京蛋白质组研究中心)


Dong Li(李栋),Fuchu He (贺福初)



图片显示不正确Funding source

[{"id":5,"name":"Program of Precision Medicine:2016YFC0901905(精准医学知识库管理与共享平台开发)"}]